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Soy Sauce


Outdoor moromi fermentation tanks

Outdoor moromi fermentation tanks

■ Outline

Traditionally, indoor moromi fermentation tanks have been used in soy sauce factories.
However, as equipment becomes larger and power-saving, and also with sophistication of production technology, outdoor moromi fermentation tanks are replacing indoor tanks, which plays a great role in streamlining soy sauce factories We were among the first to focus on outdoor moromi fermentation tanks, and invented one suitable for various types of soy sauce factories by making the most of our technology and experience for a long time as a fermentation plant manufacturer. Now, not only we pride ourselves on the fact that Outdoor moromi fermentation tanks have the largest number of delivery records in Japan, but also overseas customers have been installing it one after the other.

■ Point

1. No buildings are necessary as tanks are installed outdoors.
Construction period is shortened and the entire equipment cost is low.
As outdoor fermentation tanks are not buildings, they do not have any effect on building-to-land ratio.

2. Smaller installation area
Due to outdoor installations, it is easier to have larger tanks, and installation area per moromi unit quantity is greatly reduced.

3. Ideal moromi control
Since each one of tank is temperature-controlled individually in a completely insulated state, ideal temperature control i.e. moromi control can be done effectively all year without being affected by outside temperature, which leads to a shortened fermentation period.

4. Sealed tanks realize sanitation and high-quality moromi.
It is sanitary and contamination-free. Also, high-quality moromi is produced as dispersal of flavor component such as alcohol is prevented. In addition, moromi hardly gets moldy with increased amount of alcohol.

5. Drastically laborsaving
No special technique or manpower is required as agitation and discharging, etc. of moromi are done by a valve easily, and temperature is automatically remote-controlled.

6. Easy expansion
Tanks are individually installed outside one by one, so it is easy to add tanks.

■ Relation


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